Deep Cleaning

Everyday oral activities like eating, drinking, and the consequent bacteria and saliva buildup in the mouth can cause a thin, sticky film to develop on the teeth throughout the day. This film is usually transparent and needs to be cleaned daily by brushing.

The bacterial film, if not cleaned, can lead to plaque formation. The plaque then hardens to form tartar, and tartar requires professional cleaning. The bacteria in tartar can cause a gum infection that can loosen the gums by destroying the tooth's supporting tissue underneath the gums. Loosened gums form pockets where the further accumulation of tartar and bacteria occurs. This can lead to the development of the periodontal disease. To treat periodontal disease, one of the initial steps is the deep cleaning of the pockets. The deep cleaning of gum pockets is done through two non-surgical procedures: scaling and root planing. 

What Is Scaling And Its Procedure?

Scaling is a procedure done for the removal of plaque and tartar below the gumline. It is done to clean the pocket thoroughly and involves using a scaling tool that can be mechanical and electrical.

Scaling done mechanically involves the use of a dental scraper. The tooth and the root surface are then cleaned by scraping in vertical, horizontal, and circular motions.

The electrical tool for scaling is composed of a metal tip and a water spray. It is an ultrasonic instrument that works by the metal tip cleaning the gumline and the water spray, spraying water over the gumline to clear out any residues.

What Is Root Planning And Its Procedure?

The bacteria from the tartar affects the supporting structures that include the gums, tooth root, cementum and dentin layers.  Root planing involves removing the tartar and damaged layers so the gum tissue can reattach to the tooth.

What To Expect After A Procedure?

Some patients may experience temporary discomfort around the treated areas including bleeding, irritation, tooth discomfort and minor swelling. After getting a deep cleaning procedure, patients will receive individualized at home care instructions.  Your home care is crucial to obtaining your best results.  

Schedule Your Periodontal Cleaning

Schedule a consultation with our Westfield Center Dental Team to help determine if a deep cleaning procedure is necessary for you.

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